Sunday, December 12, 2010

President O'bama is Leaving his Former Political Stances

Writer Jeffrey T. Kuhner wrote a recent article regarding President O'bama's change in opinion to tax cuts, "Obama's Final Betrayal". Mr. Kuhner claims that President O'bama has abandoned his earlier position on tax cuts and has broken yet another promise he has made. In the article, Kuhner throws down the opposing view with "Contrary to the administration's spin, the agreement is not a 'compromise.'" Kuhner portays President O'bama as a "narcissist" with a "Messiah complex." Writer Kuhner shows that President O'bama has betrayed even his own Democrats and is a failing president. Kuhner backs up this claim with three main points:
  1. President O'bama received nothing in return for his "compromise" with the Republicans.
  2. President O'bama left his original position regarding tax cuts to gain other voters in order to win the 2012 election.
  3. President O'bama is betraying many principles and people in the actions he's made as President:
  • He's betrayed America by sending us on our way to national bankruptcy
  • O'bamacare betrays our democracy.
  • His foreign policy (removing missile-defensive sights, refusing to meet with Iran) has betrayed our international allies.
  • His movements of the troops to Afghanistan with no real plan for victory betrays our troops.
I agree with Kuhner because President O'bama has swayed from his positions regarding "Change" and has kept the Bush administration's tax cuts. Some related topics include the war in Afghanistan, the struggling economy, and the slow-acting Congress.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, this is very interesting. The article I'm analyzing is looking at the exact same issue from a completely opposite perspective. I probably won't finish until tomorrow, but you should read it then.
